Tuesday, March 07, 2006


Rakesh Mohan Hallen

Professor Ayushmaan was dozing, as usual. He was attending the plenary session of “Indian National Science Congress 2052” being held at the Indian Institute of Science and Technology, Gangtok. He was a disenchanted senior scientist. People sitting close, were all his old acquaintances, they noticed his dozing. But, they were familiar with his old habit. His was very skeptical by nature, almost cynical. He believed that nothing significant is reported in such conferences.

Suddenly, he was disturbed by a loud applause. A middle aged Professor was on the dais. As he became fully conscious and adjusted his spectacles, he observed that she paused for a moment and she resumed, by saying, “Sorry friends, but I had an urgent call from my colleague, I know what she told me would be of immense interest to you.” He wondered, how has she communicated with her colleagues. She did not pick up a phone!

So during the lunch break, he asked a young delegate.

“ Oh Professor, I suppose you have not kept in touch with the latest developments in communication technology. Professor Aditi does not need a mobile phone to receive a call, she can communicate with neuro waves. I hope you know she is a pioneer in this novel field known as Neuro communication.”

“That’s indeed very exciting”, said Ayushmaan, “can you tell me a bit more about it. I have been away in the mountains, at the Scientists Resort near Sandakhphu for the last twenty years. Where I had no means to communicate, I did cut myself off from all science and technology. By the way what’s your name?”

“I am Kanva”, retorted the young lad

“I would be delighted, Kanva was visibly excited for the opportunity, “let us settle down there, I shall try my best to explain all that I know.” They proceeded toward a table in the coffee shop. After they had settled down and asked for coffee he continued. “You must be aware of telepathy, for ages human beings could often perceive others thoughts, but it is normally very erratic. One can at best perceive thoughts of someone who is closely related.”

“Indeed that is very true,” interjected Ayushmaan. “When I was young I often could perceive what my girlfriend was thinking at that moment.”

“ In the past decade, scientists have unveiled the mystery behind this phenomenon. It was discovered that neurons emit a special kind of radiation -- called Neuroradiation. It is a very special kind of radiation, somewhat like electromagnetic radiation but not exactly electromagnetic radiation. It is through this radiation that scientists like Professor Aditi can communicate. Without any phone!”

Just then Professor Aditi entered the coffee room. She appeared to be around forty. Many news-reporters surrounded her. Naturally, she attracted the attention of Ayushmaan. He got up and proceeded towards her, he could vaguely recognize her. But before he could say any thing, Professor Aditi recognized him. “Hello Ayush, Don’t you recognize me, I am Aditi, your dear Minmin.”

Turning towards the reporter she said, “Professor Ayush was my childhood friend, I know him from the first day I was born. I had lost contact with him for the last twenty-five years. Oh! what a pleasant surprise?” She was visibly excited, “Now if you will kindly permit can I exchange a few greetings with him?”

The reporters hastily receded. Professor Ayush could now recognize Aditi. Although he had known her for years, he had lost contact with her last many years since she proceeded for her graduation abroad he had lost contact with her. After a warm hug, she added, “ You are coming home, and don’t you dare say no.”

“How can I?” answered Professor Ayush, tears were visible in his eyes.

Later in the evening, as they settled down on the dining table, Professor Ayush could not hold himself. He asked, “What is this Neuro-communication you were talking about today morning. A young lad, Kanva, told me about it today.”

“What you are not aware of it, I am amazed! I could never imagine that you can ask me that”. As she exclaimed she realized the reason of Professor Ayush ignorance. The technology was very new and it was no secret that he was leading a solitary retired life, away from the hustle bustle of Universities and Institutes.

“It is a recent invention that has set the imagination of scientists and technocrats on fire. The biggest discovery after Watson and Crick’s Double Helix. When this technology is developed fully, nobody would need a phone, mobile or otherwise. Our group is actively doing research in this field. Only today morning my student Avyava told me that she has succeeded in communicating with ten persons using this technology, from anywhere almost anytime.

“Can you brief me about it” said Ayush as soup was served.

“Definitely” exclaimed Aditi, “and I hope you let me know your thoughts, they would be extremely useful for us.

“ You know, ever since neuro waves were discovered, scientists had been wondering how they could be used for interpersonal communication. Every living being emits these waves all the time, especially when she is thinking about someone. These waves can be sensed by other living beings, just as the electromagnetic waves can by an electronic sensor. We all are surrounded by such waves, only we are seldom tuned to process neuro-waves emitted by a certain individual living being.”

Professor Ayush nodded; in fact he was the first scientist forty years ago who had hypothesized about such waves.

“We have discovered that certain micro-organisms can indeed facilitate communication through these waves. This new class of organisms known as nanoorganisms -- "Comerons", can sense these waves when they are emitted close to them. For example, my necklace abounds in Comerons of various genres. They can sense neuro waves emitted by my body.”

“That’s all very well, but how does any one else can receive these messages”? Ayush could not restrain his curiosity.

“ Quite simple, after sensing the neuro waves, Comerons can also emit another kind of waves, known as Comer- waves. Thus a particular genus of Comerons relay information. Comerons of the same genus can sense that. If the person to whom these thoughts are directed to, is also wearing a culture of such Comerons, s/he can sense these comer-waves and thus the thought is transmitted from one person to another. Thus, Comerons can be like base stations of mobile phones. ”

“ But, how is the communication person specific? With electromagnetic waves, each message was transmitted using radio waves of a particular frequency range and the equipment that the two persons carried also mattered”. Professor Ayush was by now just like a teenaged student.

“The wide range of genera of Comerons makes up for the range of frequencies”.

“Can I experience it too?”

“Why not, I will just call Manya and she will prepare you for that.”

After this short conversation, the dinner they proceeded with their dinner. After they had finished dinner and settled down on a couch a young lady approached Ayush.

“Good evening Ayush, it’s indeed my privilege to prepare you for neuro-communication.”

“She is Manya, my daughter and my favorite student too,” added Professor Aditi to introduce the young lady to Ayush.

Manya took a seat beside the Professor. She took out a bracelet from her bag and then said, “Please put on this bracelet for a minute or so”.

Professor Ayush readily agreed. As soon as he had done so, Manya chanted some words that sounded like a mantra while she made strange gestures with her hand. As soon as she had finished the chant, she asked professor Ayush to remove the bracelet.

“You are now ready to communicate with Professor Aditi through neuro waves.” She added with a smile.

“Oh, Thank you so much! Can you now brief me the procedure to follow.”

“It’s very simple, you just have to concentrate and think about her, if your mind can perceive her portrait, you know she is ready to receive your message or talk to you.”

“That’s indeed very exciting, I sincerely hope it works.”

“It does, every time.”

“Can you now give me references of some research papers that you have published lately? I would be interested to go through them.”

“Sure, but then you have to promise that you would share your thoughts with us.”

“You need not ask for it, and now that we can communicate so easily”.

Ayush, was definitely excited by this meeting. On returning back home he got busy in trying to unearth all relevant information on this subject. He spent more then a week in front of a computer and soon got familiar with the nuances of new Internet. But soon thereafter he lost interest and never cared to communicate with Aditi. But, he remembered the phenomenon and he used to jot down his thoughts in his dairy, once in a while.

Here are a few pages from his dairy:

February 21 2052

“ Neuro-communication is not a new phenomenon, mankind has known it for ages. I did experience it myself, on some intensely emotional moments. It was known as telepathy. Persons involved almost felt as if the other person was speaking to them even no sound was audible. Some people known as Tantriks used it often even hundred years ago. But then, it was just like alchemistry vis-à-vis modern chemistry. Neuro communication today is akin to chemistry at the time of Berzelius or Kekule. It has a long way ahead.”

February 29 2052

“ What prompted research in Neuro communication? Some forty years back, mobile phones were the craze. Almost everyone needed one. Within ten years all the networks were almost saturated all the time. The ‘Cells’ of cellphones were shrinking day by day, in attempt to get the maximum out of the bandwidths allotted to service providers. It became increasingly difficult to talk without interruptions. Everybody awaited a revolution in technology.”

March 6 2052

“How come that the Asian scientists and technologists are leading the herd active in this field?. Till the last century almost all major discoveries and inventions were made either by Europeans or Americans, but this is a field in which oriental philosophers always had a lead over the western philosophers. It is indeed a synthesis of spiritualism and modern technology. How can I forget, Aditi’s mother my old friend a technologist by education turned to spiritualism. She started believing in tantra. People suspected that she is on the verge of becoming a lunatic. No wonder, Aditi has inherited the strings her mother left for her. Isn’t it what I dreamt of forty years ago.”

March 9 2052

“The discovery of Comerons by two Chinese scientists Wan and Zeng, is likely to bring the same revolution in communication technology as did the discovery of bacteria by Antony van Leeuwenhoek, brought in the field of medicine in 1676. Comerons have been in existence since time immemorial, could not be detected with the help of any microscope, simply because they do not reflect any electromagnetic radiation. They are transparent to any kind of electromagnetic radiation. No wonder Comerons evaded discovery for so long. Scientists never thought beyond electromagnetic radiation for detecting any thing. They almost disregarded the sixth sense.”

April 2 2052

Can neurocommunication be the mode of communication in the future? I have my doubts. What happens if more than one person want to communicate with the same person at the same time? With tools of telecommunication, one would hear an “engaged” tone or the person could have more then one instruments/lines but a person has only one mind. Also there can be moments when one does not wants to be disturbed. One could switch off thr phones, can one disable all neurocommunication at will. “Aditi, what is your opinion?”

April 4 2052

I was wondering for past few months, what did Manya mutter when she activated comerons on my body, and what were those strange gestures. Today, the explanation dawned on me. Mystics while practicing Tantra yoga, believed that certain words or gestures have strange power, an idea scientists till the last decade pooh poohed. But, now it is an established scientific phenomenon. Only the practice has become much more refined.

April 10 2052

What is the future of this nascent technology? Obviously in the present form it cannot replace telecommunication. But, it can be dangerous just as the nuclear technology proved to be in the twentieth century. Isn’t it possible that there are certain genre or comerons, which are universal communicators? What if some one discovered them? They could be used to create mass hysteria. They could be used to win elections.

May 13 2052

I am not really convinced of the efficacy of this technology. I will try to communicate to Aditi, all that I have written about it sometime. I would be convinced only if she can tell me all this when we next time. I hope it will be soon. Now i really want to be relieved of this body.

Another annual session of Indian National Science Congress. Professor Aditi is there. Here eyes are constantly seeking someone. It is Ayush. But, she cannot spot him anywhere. She tried neurocommunication, but no success.

Suddenly, one night she feels Ayush is trying to get her attention. She puts in the best of the technology she knows.

He is calling her. She must get to him as early as possible.

The only way is to take a coptor. As the coptor in which she is traveling comes closer to the resort, the signals are getting desperate.

As she reaches the resort, she is alarmed by the silence. She hurries to his bedroom. He is awaiting her, hoping to meet her before he takes his last breath. His eyes sparkle as he sees her. She takes out a notebook from her handbag and starts reading the messages she received from him during the past one year, through neurocommunication.

She is on his bedside, there is a feeling of satisfaction on Ayush’s face as he breaths in the last gasp of air.


Blogger charlie said...

This story was originally published in a popular science monthly Science Reporter, October 2005.

11:35 PM  

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